The Power of Impromptu Video for Facebook and Instagram Ads
Online advertising is highly competitive, and your business needs a consistent, targeted approach to find its niche and thrive. When your potential customers are scrolling through social media, there should be something about your ad that catches their eye and gets them to stop, watch, read, and absorb your message.
Still images can do the job, but a video is more likely to grab a user’s attention. Social media algorithms privilege new content, so if you’re using lots of videos to advertise your business, you’ll need to generate a lot of them, ideally on a regular schedule. That’s why we recommend impromptu video ads.
What is an Impromptu Video Ad?
Creating a glossy, polished, high-quality ad can do wonders for your business, but it also takes time and money to shoot and edit. It’s very difficult to crank them out on a regular schedule.
An impromptu video ad, on the other hand, usually consists of just one shot, taken during business hours and emphasizing spontaneity and candidness over professional gloss. It could be as simple as a 30-second shot of a staff member describing an upcoming special or performing a service that you offer.
These videos can be shot quickly and posted regularly, allowing you to hit the social media algorithms’ sweet spot.
“This approach works, is very manageable and fun. You plan your monthly promotions and shoot the 40-50 second video, very effective”, explains Dr. Salvador P. Renteria III, DO of Sierra Oaks Cosmetics.
Case Study
As an example, at Proactive SEO Solutions, we recently saw the power and effectiveness of this approach with Sierra Oaks Cosmetics, a non-invasive cosmetic surgery clinic in the Sacramento, CA:
- We initially spent $350 on non-video ads and didn’t see desirable results.
- Then we changed our approach and shot a simple 20-second ad for Facebook, featuring the doctor announcing an end-of-summer promotion for Botox and Juvederm.
- After spending only $50 on this ad, we got an incredible $5,000 worth of leads converted. Our investment was returned a hundredfold!
- A third of the patients that our client received from Facebook not only booked for the treatment that was promoted, but were converted into recurring patients for other services as well.
Impromptu video ads are the way to succeed in the competitive online advertising space. If your ad is short and to-the-point with serviceable audio and video quality, it can generate great returns for little investment.

20 years experience in the online marketing sector, including agency, ecommerce and entrepreneurial ventures.